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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: 2 Year Old Hit By Rock By A Muslim Rock Ambush.

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: 2 Year Old Hit By Rock By A Muslim Rock Ambush.: This is not the IDF or an Adult with a gun. This is a innocent child riding in a car on her way to a Chanukkah celebration when Palestinian ...

2 Year Old Hit By Rock By A Muslim Rock Ambush.

This is not the IDF or an Adult with a gun. This is a innocent child riding in a car on her way to a Chanukkah celebration when Palestinian SAVAGES hurled rocks and seriously injured this child. Now you Muslim Supporters say they are freedom fighters. Freedom from what life liberty and rights in exchange for the enslavement of Sharia? Is this what you want here in the USA to also be enslaved by Islamic Radicalism as in other countries in the Middle East or do you hate Jews so much you rather see them all murdered.

This war of hate not love started all the way back to Mohammad when the Jews refused to convert . Islam means SUBMIT not peace and there is no peace in the Koran as they claim

I say stop the violence and learn PA to live with your neighbors in Peace. Even the Countries you came from Syria, Jordan, Egypt don't want you or you wouldn't still be refuges.

This is no different then the black hoodlums who are  playing  the knock out game against white and Asian Americans.

Baby Seriously Injured in Muslim Rock Ambush

A 2-year-old baby suffered a serious head injury when the car she was in was pelted in southern Jerusalem
By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 11/28/2013, 6:26

Baby injured, 21.9.11

A two-year-old baby was seriously injured Thursday when Muslim terrorists hurled rocks at the car she was in, at the entrance to the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood in southern Jerusalem.
A Magen David Adom (MDA) team gave the baby initial medical care and took her to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital. She suffered a serious head injury.
Security forces are combing the area in search of the terrorists.
Refael Herbst, an MDA paramedic who treated the girl, said: "When we arrived we saw a woman holding a baby aged about 2 years, with a bleeding wound in her head. She was apathetic and in a foggy state of consciousness. We gave her medical treatment on the spot. We were told she had been hit by a large rock as she was traveling in the car with her mother and two brothers, who sat beside her in the car's back seat."
"After initial medical care we began the evacuation, and continued giving her care inside the ICU ambulance. On the way to Hadassah Ein Kerem, in the course of the treatment, she began to recover and regained consciousness. When we took her to the trauma room in the hospital she was in moderate condition."
Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) reacted to the attack and said that it joins a long list of similar serious incidents. "I strengthen the prime minister's hands," he said, "[in the hope] for a determined, quick action to put an end to the Stone Age."
Ten residents of Jerusalem's Issawiya neighborhood, aged 15-17, were arrested earlier this week on suspicion that they threw firebombs and rocks at an IDF base on Mount Scopus, at Hebrew University buildings and at police vehicles.
At least two of the teenaged terrorists are linked to the DFLP terror organization.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: Radical Muslim Lies and Anti Semitism does exist A...

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: Radical Muslim Lies and Anti Semitism does exist A...: As you may know, the ADL is publicly criticizing APT’s campaign to expose the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic curricula in the Newton ...

Radical Muslim Lies and Anti Semitism does exist America and Obama refuses to stop the hate.

apt logo

As you may know, the ADL is publicly criticizing APT’s campaign to expose the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic curricula in the Newton public schools.
Below is a letter we have sent to ADL Board Members in Boston.

Dear ADL Board Member;

I am reaching out to you, a member of the board of ADL Boston, to set the record straight about the public joint statement signed by ADL leadership regarding our ad campaign aimed at exposing the problem of biased curricula in the Newton public schools.

The joint statement is wrong and unfair.  

In a 2010 email to the Temple Emanuel of Newton congregation, Rabbi Gardenswartz correctly noted the unceasing ideological attacks on the Jewish state:

This constant dumping on Israel, this daily onslaught, drip, drip, drip, that Israel is an oppressor, that Israel is a strategic liability, that Israel is a human rights violator, is a big problem that cannot be ignored.”  The Rabbi also noted that “There is a systematic and thoughtful campaign by Israel’s enemies to delegitimize Israel.”

Unfortunately, the systematic campaign is not just limited to the universities and the media:   

While many in the Jewish community know about the problems we have on American campuses, few realize that a similar problem has been creeping into the K-12 curriculum. I am sure that the ADL leadership is aware of this national trend. Perhaps it believes that Newton is immune.

In the case of Newton high schools, we – along with parents and other tax payers – have been protesting for over two years against the inclusion in classrooms of anti-Israel material.

Subsequent to the community protests, the school committee removed some of the offending materials. While these changes are commendable, the committee has not addressed the more general questions: how did such hateful material get into the classrooms, and how does it plan to ensure that other biased teaching materials are not incorporated into the curriculum.  

The public joint statement implies that there is no reason to be concerned that anti-Semitic material could have gotten into the Newton school curriculum since it was removed – after a year of protest, and after it was stubbornly defended for all that time by the School Superintendent. It claims that our ad “misinterprets certain elements of the materials and lacks reasonable context. And “there is substantial reason to believe that the allegations made in the ad are without merit.”

These are wrong and harmful messages to send to a Jewish community that is beset with an effort, national in scope, to bias public school teaching against Israel.

ADL understands the larger context of systematic efforts by organizations hostile to Israel and her supporters to influence American public schools. In the case of Newton, a likely source of the biased materials is the Harvard Center for Middle East Studies Outreach Center (CMESOC). According to its website, “the Outreach Center has been asked to assist the Newton city high schools to develop new resources to use in the classroom to teach on the conflict in Israel and the Occupied Territories.  In 2010, Paul Beran (the CMESOC director) presented to 80 history teachers from the Newton Public Schools on approaches and resources for teaching about the conflict.” Beran is a radical anti-Israel activist who promotes the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. In 2006, he guided the (unsuccessful) Somerville effort to have that city divest from Israel.

Indeed, the Harvard CMESOC is funded by ARAMCO, the Saudi government oil company.

While the Jewish community faces this onslaught, why would the ADL spend its time and resources attacking an organization that has successfully exposed anti-Israel, anti-Jewish activities in the Boston area, most recently at Northeastern University?

We were surprised when, during the first year of our Northeastern campaign, ADL and CJP leaders asked us to cease our efforts after we released the first video expose of anti-Semitism at Northeastern. That video sparked concern in the Jewish community and led to the dismissal or reassignment of two Northeastern anti-Israel staffers. Our second video, much of which was shared and discussed with Northeastern’s attorneys before its release, led to the dismissal of Northeastern’s radical campus Imam, Abdullah Faaruuq.  Ultimately, after we released our full set of 3 videos (, the CJP and ADL changed their views of the situation, as you know.

In the case of the Newton public schools, we simply do not understand: Why, among many other things, is the ADL not disturbed that students in Newton are taught from The Muslim Primer, whose author boasts that the book is based on the teachings of Yusuf Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who calls for the death of every Jew? Why are students who are given readings from this book not informed about Qaradawi and his vast movement?  As some of you may know, Qaradawi was an original Trustee of the Roxbury Mosque, about which ADL leadership has intimate knowledge.

Why would the ADL’s leadership exonerate Newton’s  school committee without doing extensive research?  Did the ADL get the school committee to give it access to lesson plans on the Israel Palestine conflict that it has denied Newton parents?  How many teachers, students and parents were interviewed? I wonder. Yet ADL’s message to the public is “Relax. There is no problem here.”

The “new anti-Semitism” based on hatred for Israel is placing our people in danger -- in Israel, in Europe, and on America’s campuses. We should not allow this poison to influence the public schools.

We should be working together on these things.


Charles Jacobs, President

Americans for Peace and Tolerance


The Internal Revenue Service recognizes Americans for Peace and Tolerance as a 501c3 non-profit corporation. If you would like to donate to our cause, you may send a check to APT,
15 Main St. Suite 118, Watertown, MA 02472 or donate online.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: MOSES IS BACK!





Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: Jewish Law

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: Jewish Law: These are Jewish Laws. Not the lies Muslims are feeding your children and you But the Real Laws. ...

Jewish Law

These are Jewish Laws. Not the lies Muslims are feeding your children and you But the Real Laws.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: Islamic concept of Al-Taqiyah to infiltrate and de...

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: Islamic concept of Al-Taqiyah to infiltrate and de...: Talks like a Muslim, Acts like a Muslim then he is a Muslim and for Converting America to Islam with Islamic lies   Islamic concept ...

Islamic concept of Al-Taqiyah to infiltrate and destroy kafir countries

Talks like a Muslim, Acts like a Muslim then he is a Muslim and for Converting America to Islam with Islamic lies

  Islamic concept of Al-Taqiyah to infiltrate and destroy kafir countries

Title: Islamic concept of Al-Taqiyah to infiltrate and destroy kafir countries
Author: Dr. Walid

This article by Dr. Walid, a top scholar at the Islamic University, exposes our so-called secular Indian Muslims. By the doctrine of Al-Taqiyah, Muslims dominate crime syndicates, increase population by massive Bangladeshi infiltration and make temporary alliances with Dalits, Christians, etc.

In the early years of the Islamic conquest of the Arabian peninsula and in the Fatah (Arab-Islamic invasion and conquest of the upper Middle East and the outside world), a Muslim concept was devised to achieve success against the enemy (non Muslims), Al-Taqiyah. Al-Taqiyah, from the verb Ittaqu, means linguistically dodge the threat. Politically it means simulate whatever status you need in order to win the war against the enemy ...

According to Al-Taqiyah, Muslims were granted the Shar'iyee right (legitimacy) to infiltrate the Dar el-Harb (war zone), infiltrate the enemy's cities and forums and plant the seeds of discord and sedition. These agents were acting on behalf of the Muslim authority at war, and therefore were not considered as lying against or denouncing the tenants of Islam.

They were "legitimate" mujahedeen, whose mission was to undermine the enemy's resistance and level of
mobilization. One of their major objectives was to cause a split among the enemy's camp while downplaying the issues related to Islam ("Oh, I am not religious." "Oh, that is not Islam, you are mistaken, there is so much
misinformation." "Oh, it is in the interpretation." "Brother, Islam is all about peace and love and music just like in the 60s.") In many instances, they convinced their targeted audiences that Jihad is not aimed at them, that
indigenous people are not targeted. Meanwhile the (allegedly) "un Islamic" Muslims continued their attacks on the target's property and life (e.g. Lashkar-e Toyiba, Mujahideen and Osama Bin Laden's declaration of war against innocent American civilians

They convinced many Jews that they will be protected from Christians, and they convinced many Christians that Jews were the mortal enemies, because they killed Issa (Jesus). They convinced the Aramaics, Copts, and Hebrews that the enemy is Greece, and signed peace agreements with the Bysantines Greeks at the expense of Maronite Aramaics, etc.

They convinced the knitted diversity of India to degrade into civil war by introduction of a variant Buddhist /
mystical Islam (Sufism which is decried as "deviant Islam" used to ease the transition of new recruits from local communities) creating divisions (based on Muslim - Non Muslim) eventually fomenting unrest and chaos in the land to prepare it for waves of armed Invasion (Mohammad bin Qasim, Mahmud Ghaznavi, etc.).

Even today, India is bitterly divided and getting slowly Islamised as battle lines form between hordes of
overzealous Muslims (armed and trained in madrasahs) and the more pacifist civilians of urban dwellings

This Jihadic agency of subversion was one of the most fascinating and efficient arms of the conquest. In less than four decades, the Middle East fell to the Arab-Islamic rule [since Arab society was divided again between pagan and Muslim resulting in nephews and sons killing their uncles and fathers in cold blood] followed by North Africa and Central Asia [this was the era of hordes like tribal conquests where barbaric savages invaded pacifist civilians in towns of major civilizations; the same scenario replayed itself against the Arab-Islamic world with the Invasion of the Mongolian hordes].

Al-Taqiyah was a formidable weapon, used by the first dynasties and strategists. Today, scholars may identify it as deception. But the Jihadic deception was and still is more powerful than the James Bondian methods of Western classical intelligence tactics, for the simple reason that it has a civilizational, global dimension versus the narrow State interest of the regular Western subversive methods.

Al-Taqiyah is still in use today (and is widely practised and acknowledged by the Shi'ite sect) but not necessarily State-organized. Arab-Islamic missionaries are slowly converting the disillusioned criminal classes of the Western world by feeding them a Western "moderate" version of Islam (at the same time denouncing the actions of Muslims in the rest of the world as Un Islamic e.g. Taliban, GIA & FIA [Armed Islamic Front] of Algeria, Hamas, Lashkar -e Toyiba, Bin Laden and company, etc.)  
It is done to prevent the new converts from seeing the real face of Islam; at least until their faith or mental
conditioning is strong enough to make them turn against their own country and people.

A good example is the growing influence of Islamists in the Americas. On the one hand, American embassies, trade facilities, soldiers and intelligence infrastructures are under attack (but denounced as un-Islamic for the benefit of the new American converts).

On the other hand, the multiplying Islamic community (due to illegal immigration, paper marriages, religious visas granted to the religious men) attempts to pass itself off as "peace loving" and patriotic. In their own circles, the same community will liberally and violently denounce America, the West and its values (freedom, individualism, secularism, capitalism, scientific materialism, benign rehabilitation of criminals, prevention of cruelty against animals, women and gay rights).

One can easily detect Taqiyah in the two discourses used by Islamist strategists. On the one hand, one
comprehensive Islamist theory is attempting to mobilize the Middle East, and sometimes Western Christian leaders and intellectuals, against "evil Jews".

They are forming alliances with everyone from Animal Rights' groups (to attack the Jewish tradition of slaughter which is ironically similar in cruelty to the Islamic way) to Far Right fundamentalists (to push for censorship of critiques of Islam and attack every forward thinking movement like women's rights and gay rights).

We see considerable success on that level. And on the other hand, another Islamist comprehensive theory is
attempting - with success also - to mobilize the Jews against "evil and pagan Christians".

One can easily detect the sophisticated work of Taqiyah, for the strategic objective of Islamists is to destroy the foundations of the non Muslim civilizations, as a prelude to the defeat of an isolated Israel, India, United States of America, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Egypt, Afghanistan, etc.

Taqiyah is not a unique phenomenon in history. Many strategists from all backgrounds implemented subversion .But the uniqueness of today's Taqiyah is its success within advanced and sophisticated societies. Taqiyah is winning massively because of the immense lack of knowledge among Western elites, both Jewish and Christian.

For interesting examples of Taqiyah methods, visit Christian discussion groups and forums and note the discourse of Islamist visitors aimed at undermining the Christian perception of Jews, and visit Jewish discussion groups and forums and note the subtle anti-Christian discourse of Islamist visitors. It is really informative and fascinating.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: The Middle East's Jewish refugees

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: The Middle East's Jewish refugees: The Latest on Jewish Refugees from Arab and Muslim Countries, News and Events from Harif Is this email not displaying correct...

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: The Middle East's Jewish refugees

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: The Middle East's Jewish refugees: The Latest on Jewish Refugees from Arab and Muslim Countries, News and Events from Harif Is this email not displaying correct...

The Middle East's Jewish refugees

The Latest on Jewish Refugees from Arab and Muslim Countries,
News and Events from Harif
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The Middle East's Jewish refugees

- Update 121 - February 2013

Top: Desecrated graves in Sousse, Tunisia. Bottom: Some of the last Jews of Yemen

1. Graves were desecrated for the second time in a month in Tunisia, amid rising antisemitism and tension incited by Islamists. The assassination of the secular opposition leader has heightened anxiety for the 2,000 Jews still living in the country.

2. A Jew is in serious condition after being beaten up in the Yemen town of Raida, where 100 Jews still remain. Following the Yemen government's announcement that it is withdrawing stipends from the 50 remaining Jews living in Tourist City, in Sana'a, the capital, it is expected they will leave for Israel.

3. A poll has found that 79 percent of Egyptians don't want Jews to return. The issue has been simmering since an ex-aide to President Morsi said he wished to see Egyptian Jews in Israel and Palestinians exchange places.

4. The Libyan-born Jew, David Gerbi, who aided the anti-Gaddhafi rebels during the Libyan war, was warned not to attend a Berber (Amazigh) conference at which he was due to speak.

For links to all these stories, scroll down to Press Review below.



Harif and Spiro Ark's panel memorable discussion on 6 February 'Interfaith Dialogue: Does it work?' attracted 70. Report here.

Sephardim of England: a 50-year retrospective. Emeritus Rabbi Abraham Levy of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation in conversation with Alan Bekhor. Tues 19 February. The Sephardi Centre, 2 Ashworth Road, London W9 1 JY.
In association with Standpoint. £10. 7.30pm. (click on events) or ring 0207 432 1316

Suitcase or coffin? 50 years since the exodus of the Jews of Algeria. Wednesday 20 February. 8pm. Illustrated talk by Lyn Julius. Harif/Spiro Ark.
Of the 850,000 Jews who left Arab countries, the Jews of Algeria were unusual – most resettled in France.
Hampstead Garden Suburb synagogue, Norrice Lea, N2. £10. Book through Spiro Ark on 0207289 6321 ( <> ) or Harif on 07506033848 ( ).

*The Aleppo Codex with Matti Friedman, author of a new book. Sunday 24 February. 3.30pm. Jewish Book Week. Chair: Deborah Kahn-Harris. How did this unique document move from a dark grotto in Aleppo to Jerusalem in the 1950s? £9.50.
King’s Place, London N1 9AG.

On the trail of Turkey’s Donmeh. Wednesday 27 February. 8pm. A second chance to hear Harif’s intrepid and entertaining emissary, Dr Saul Zadka, give an illustrated talk on the ‘false messiah’ Shabbetai Zvi and his followers, the Donmeh. Hampstead Garden Suburb synagogue, Norrice Lea, N2. Book through Spiro Ark on 0207289 6321 ( <> ) or Harif on 07506033848 ( <> ).

*Evening of Iraqi-Jewish Food, Music and Culture. Thursday 7 March. at 6.30pm: Sara Manasseh: ethnomusicologist, performer and author with her ensemble Rivers of Babylon. Linda Dangoor: designer, painter, potter and author of the cookbook Flavours of Babylon
Tickets, to include food, £25/person and £12/student. Proceeds to the synagogue. Tickets/Information: 020 8203 9061; 07980 965171. Chelsea Synagogue, Smith Terrace, Smith Street, Chelsea, London SW3 4DL

*The Forgotten Refugees. 7.30pm. Must-see film by Michael Grynszpan (courtesy of JIMENA). Tuesday 12 March 2013 ,Followed by Q&A with Lyn Julius of Harif.The Pointer’s School, 19 Stratheden Rd, London SE 3 7TH. Harif/Maoz.
Admission free. Refreshments. To book contact 0208 692 2831, 07735 018 919.

*My ordeal in a Libyan jail:Rafram Chaddad tells his story. Wednesday 13 March. Tikun, Finchley Road,London NW11.
On a rare visit to London, Rafram Chaddad, an Israeli artist and cook with dual Tunisian-Israeli citizenship, will tell the story of his imprisonment by the Ghaddafi regime in 2010 and how he was finally released.
Rafram has now written a book about his ordeal. Spiro Ark/Harif.To book ring Spiro Ark on 0207 289 6321 or Harif on 0750603848

* ‘Baghdad Mon Amour. Launch of book by Shmuel Moreh, Emeritus Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the Hebrew University. Tuesday 19 March.
Professor Moreh will discuss his memories of Baghdad, positive and negative, with two non-Jewish Iraqi writers, scholar Mazin Latif and poet Jabbar al-Din, who we hope will be able to join us from Iraq for the occasion.
The Sephardi Centre, Maida Vale, W9. Harif/The Sephardi Centre. More details to come. Harif 0750603848.

*Mizrahi star Alabina Ishta at Israel's 65th Yom Ha'atzmaut Concert 16 April. - Wembley Arena. . 0208 202 0202.

Silent Exodus: Pierre Rehov's acclaimed film at Mosaic, Oxford Jewish Centre. Q & A with Lyn Julius. 17 April. TBC

Harif events are listed at the Harif website


Second Exodus Conference . 9.30 - 19.30, 11 March. Feldman Hall, Bar Ilan University. Details: or 03 - 5317959


JIMENA EVENTS: Details from

Middle East Expert Joseph Braude - Scholar in Residence - February 15, 2013
Yehuda Tassa at Limmud - Bay Area - February 17, 2013
Middle East Expert Joseph Braude Speaks at Stanford Hillel - February 19, 2013


*UK SPEAKERS’ BUREAU: Harif will be embarking on a systematic campaign to educate schools and universities about the plight of Jews from Arab countries.
If you are a Jew from an Arab country or Iran and would like to join our Speakers’ Bureau, please contact <> .

*SEPHARDI VOICES: Sephardi oral history project. To assist the project, or to have yours or a relative’s story recorded,
visit < <> >

* 'I am a Refugee' Facebook page <>

*HARIF Website:

*JIMENA Website:



Most of the following articles, and much more - at the frequently-updated weblog, Point of No Return.
Follow on Facebook and Twitter.



More graves desecrated in Tunisia
Sousse cemetery vandalised
79 percent of Egyptians would not allow Jews to return
David Gerbi snubbed by Libyan Amazighen
A Jew is beaten up in Yemen
Israel is safe haven for Jews fleeing Yemen
Yemen halts funding for Jews in Sana'a


Of Kurdish barbers and Jewish converts
Two Copts killed in Libya
Warning signs of genocide
The Iranian regime’s war against a peaceful minority
US pastor sentenced to eight years in Iran
Yemen’s forgotten Christians

Israel wants Palestinians fleeing Syria to renounce ‘right of return’
Copyright © * 2012|* *|HARIF Newsletter*, All rights reserved.
*The Middle East's Forgotten Jewish Refugees
Our mailing address is:
Harif - promoting the history and heritage of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: Dearborn Muslims call for Killing non Muslim

Dreams of a Muslim Dictator - Obama: Dearborn Muslims call for Killing non Muslim: Dearborn Muslim Calls for Killing Anti-Islam Protesters A recent Dearborn Patch article addressed concerns about the location o...

Dearborn Muslims call for Killing non Muslim

Dearborn Muslim Calls for Killing Anti-Islam Protesters

A recent Dearborn Patch article addressed concerns about the location of the annual Dearborn Arab Festival. For several years, the festival has been held on Warren Avenue. However, because the sidewalks adjacent to the festival remain public property during the event, criticism and protest are protected by the First Amendment. In 2012, a group of anti-Islam protesters showed up with signs condemning Muhammad (not to mention a pig's head on pole), and some young Muslims responded violently. Mayor John O'Reilly, a notorious defender of the city's campaign against free speech, hopes that organizers will consider moving the festival to a closed location, where the city will not be responsible for handling protesters.

Of course, the only reason protesters show up at the festival is that Dearborn leaders (with occasional help from the American Arab Chamber of Commerce) spent years violating the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens. I attended the Arab Festival in 2008 and 2009, and I didn't see any protesters. In 2009, however, the Police Department declared that Christians wouldn't be allowed to distribute pamphlets or Bibles, even on the public sidewalks around the festival. This was the same year we were attacked by security for asking a question at a booth that invited us to ask questions. The following year, we were arrested for having a peaceful discussion with some Muslim teenagers who approached us with questions about Christianity. Two days later, police took us into custody again for attempting to distribute Bibles outside the festival
News (and videos) spread about Dearborn's contempt for the First Amendment, and this drew a number of protesters to the city (including Terry Jones, who was convicted and jailed for planning to protest outside a mosque). Now that the city has gained worldwide attention for its stance against free speech, city leaders want to move the festival in order to escape the consequences of their actions.

The local population is divided over whether to move the festival, and, even more importantly, over how Muslims should respond to protesters. The Dearborn Area Community Members Facebook group hosted a discussion about the move, and some of the comments were enlightening. A Muslim named Aboudi Berro suggested moving the festival to an area where protesters could be more easily murdered:

Muhammad Khatib, by contrast, advocated keeping the festival at its regular location. However, he suggested arming the security guards (the gang of thugs who assaulted us in 2009):

Perhaps the most encouraging comment came from a young Muslim who defended the First Amendment rights of Islam's critics. Ali Sayed Ahmad wrote

And here we see the great divide that plagues the once great City of Dearborn. On the one hand, there are many Muslims who genuinely love America and the rights it guarantees. (Here I should include Majed Moughni, a local Muslim lawyer who spoke out on our behalf after police threw us in jail.) On the other hand, there are some who would gladly execute protesters who criticize Muhammad, and more who want such criticism outlawed

In a sane world, politicians, police, and the media would support and encourage those who believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion. In actuality, leaders do everything in their power to appease the most hateful voices among us. With better leaders in place, I think there would be hope for Dearborn. But with Mayor O'Reilly, Judge Mark Somers, and a corrupt police force in charge, things just can't move forward. Perhaps instead of changing the location of the Arab Festival in order to silence critics, the city should instead focus on changing the behavior that led to the protests