Boy Scouts of America Infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood. Trustworthy, Loyal, and Helpful — Or Destruction of Western Way of Life?
Although we should have learned by now that nothing is sacred and nothing is safe from those whose mission it is to destroy America, it’s still shocking to learn that jihadist terrorist organizations have infiltrated the Boy Scouts of America.
This is the kind of irony that can turn your stomach.
Boy Scouts of America was founded in 1910, during the height of the progressive era in the United States due to concerns among some that young men were no longer learning patriotism and individualism. BSA epitomized the Christian values of America’s founding fathers for decades. Today, however, Boy Scouts of America is riddled with terrorist organizations who are recruiting and training youth — by the thousands — for their own causes.
The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic organization responsible for the creation of Hamas, has infiltrated the BSA, not only through mosques and worship centers that establish and sponsor scouting programs, but also through direct partnership with BSA.
Boy Scouts of America welcomes diverse religions and has incorporated them into its program giving scouts an opportunity to earn badges or emblems by participating in religious activities. The Islamic scouting emblems include an Allahu Akbar emblem.
Allahu Akbar (‘Allah is greater’) are the very same words shouted by many Islamic terrorists and suicide bombers in the moments just before they kill (in the name of Allah).
Almost 30 years ago, Boy Scouts of America entered into a partnership with the Islamic Council on Scouting of North America, an organization in New York that expressed a desire to promote scouting in local Muslim communities. That partnership opened the door to a dangerous and radical form of Islam, welcoming the ICSNA in to recruit and train new generations of jihadists right under our noses.
ICSNA was chaired by Dr. Muzamil Siddiqui, an Islamic scholar who served as Chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee of a Muslim Brotherhood founded organization, Muslim Students Association (MSA).
Once accepted into BSA, the ICSNA immediately began the formation of a National Islamic Committee of the Boy Scouts of America to spread Islamic scouting across the nation. An ad hoc committee was formed under the Chairmanship of Ambassador Youssouf Sylla, representative to the United Nations of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
Almost a decade ago, Aaron Klein reported that after two days of debates on the topic of what the Islamic position should be on terrorism and jihad, the OIC couldn’t even decide whether suicide bombing constitutes terrorism or violates the Koran.
Thanks to the work of the ICSNA’s national committee, several Islamic scout units have been formed throughout the U.S. and more Muslim Brotherhood organizations, like the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), were accepted into the BSA.
BSA states regarding its relationship with the Islamic Society of North America: “ISNA has had a relationship with the Boy Scouts of America for over a decade, and the ISNA secretary general recently signed the relationship document in the ISNA’s annual convention at Chicago.”
Last year, Klein reported that the Obama administration has “an extensive relationship” with ISNA and that the organization was an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to raise money for Hamas.
Klein went on to say that, according to Islam scholar Stephen Schwartz, ISNA is “one of the chief conduits through which the radical Saudi form of Islam passes into the United States.”.
For more on ISNA and its connections to the White House, read Klein’s full article here.
Muslim Brotherhood-founded organizations have a long history of inciting violence against non-Muslims. In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood has operated under the name Muslim American Society, or MAS. In 2004, the Chicago Tribune reported that the Chicago area MAS website “includes reading materials that state Muslims have a duty to help form Islamic governments worldwide and should be prepared to take up arms to do so.”
MAS reading materials also state that “until the nations of the world have functionally Islamic governments, every individual who is careless or lazy in working for Islam is sinful.”
The Tribune article goes on to report that another passage “says that Western secularism and materialism are evil and that Muslims should ‘pursue this evil force to its own lands’ and ‘invade its Western heartland.’”
MAS established their MAS Scouting Department in 2002. It is “helping to network over 30 girls and boy scout units across the U.S. working through the Boy and Girl Scouts of America.”
The MAS Scouting Department provides a network for all Islamic Scouting programs and currently claims nearly 1,500 scouts in membership.
BSA Troop 1576 at All Dulles Area Muslim Society
ISNA President, Mohammed Magid, is the Imam and Executive Director of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, known as ADAMS Center.
ADAMS identifies itself as “a membership organization registered in the State of Virginia… affiliated with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).”
ADAMS has formed and currently sponsors several active scouting programs through Boy Scouts of America.
In true Muslim Brotherhood form, ADAMS paints itself as a peaceful organization that condemns violence and discrimination. However, while one page of the organization’s website claims that they “strongly condemn and reject the actions of terrorists and terrorism,” another page proudly boasts the names and logos of several partner organizations also known to have a relationship with the Brotherhood and Al Qaeda.
The terrorist activities, investigations, and questionable affiliations of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society are extensive. Read about a few of them here.
Alarming enough is the fact that ADAMS’ former Chairman, Ahmad Totonji, was named a defendant in a lawsuit filed by numerous family members who lost loved ones in the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York.
FrontPage Magazine’s Erick Stakelbeck writes:
Ahmad Totonji… served as Vice-President of the Saudi-funded International Institute for Islamic Thought and is also closely linked to the notorious SAAR Foundation (created by… a scion of one of the richest Saudi families). Both… organizations were raided by federal agents in December 2001 under suspicion that they were supporting Islamic terrorist groups. Totonji, in turn, was named a defendant in a $1 trillion lawsuit filed by more than 600 relatives of people who died in the 9/11 attacks.
ADAMS’ current Imam (Mohammed Magid) and former Imam (Ingrid Mattson) both attended last year’s White House Iftar with President Obama.
Imam Magid also attended this year’s White House Iftar. Oddly, his name, along with the names of two other “controversial Muslims”, did not appear on the White House’s published guest list.
Boy Scouts of America Unit 357 at the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood
One of the first Islamic Boy Scout units formed in the country was B.S.A. Unit 357, The Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, in Harlem, New York.
The Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, or MIB, is a descendant of the Muslim Mosque, Inc., which was started by El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) in 1964 after his departure from the Nation of Islam organization.
Although the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood emphatically denies any association or affiliation to the Muslim Brotherhood on its website, the activities of mosque board members, and even the language used on the website, tells a different story.
Joe Kaufman of FrontPage Magazine reported that the passage displayed on MIB’s website “is straight out of the text of the Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hasan Al-Banna’s, treatise, ‘The Message of the Teachings’.
The passage reads:
Allah is our goalThe Prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah is our leaderThe Qu’ran is our constitution Jihad is our wayAnd death in the way of Allah is our promised end.
Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid, a former award-winning Islamic scout leader in Harlem, has been the religious and spiritual leader (Imam) of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood since 1989.
According to Discover the Networks, Imam Rashid was heavily influenced by black nationalism before converting to Islam and views America as a nation infested with white racism.
Imam Rashid is a member of the National Committee to Free Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (known as H. Rap Brown), a former Black Panther Party member who was convicted of attempted murder for opening fire on two police officers when they tried to arrest him for theft.
Remember, MIB (as sponsor of BSA scouts) denies any association with the Muslim Brotherhood. Yet, ironically, MIB’s own Imam, Abdur-Rashid, is Deputy Amir of the executive committees of not one, but two different Muslim Brotherhood organizations (Muslim Alliance in North America, or MANA, and the Islamic Leadership Council of New York).
Just a quick glance at MANA’s website blows a gaping hole in MIB’s denial of a Brotherhood association. One of Imam Rashid’s fellow MANA committee members is Anwar Muhaimin, Imam of the International Muslim Brotherhood in Philadelphia.
Another of Rashid’s fellow committee members at MANA is Kenny Gamble, a.k.a. Luqman Abdul Haqq, who is also involved in training up young scouts through his United Muslim Movement. Although I’ve found no affiliation with Boy Scouts of America, Gamble’s Jawala Scouts mirror BSA scouting programs, but with paramilitary training (including weapons training) that begins at age 7.
Imam Rashid is also Deputy Amir of The Islamic Leadership Council of New York, which organized a summit last September in New York to discuss the planned “Ground Zero Mosque” and “a rise in anti-Muslim sentiments” surrounding the mosque. All eleven organizations listed as attending the summit are either Muslim Brotherhood founded or affiliated. Disturbing, isn’t it, how this Imam can claim that his mosque has no affiliation to the Brotherhood?
What’s more disturbing is that at least half of the Brotherhood organizations that participated in last year’s summit are influencing thousands of children throughout the nation, through our Christian-founded Boy Scouts of America.
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