The MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD plan for world domination
Posted: October 26, 2011
The so-called Arab Spring
has brought the Muslim Brotherhood to the threshold of power and influence in
the Middle East. Their only aim is to control the world with Islam. They know
they cannot use force to convert the West, so they use deceit (taqiyya). They
have managed to deceive a lot of Western politicians into believing
A Norwegian television documentary, called “Freedom, Equality and the Muslim
Brotherhood,” is unmasking the Muslim Brotherhood’s plans for world domination.
Walid al-Kubaisi, an Iraqi-born Norwegian journalist, produced and hosted the
documentary for Norway television. It has never been shown on American
TV.However, Muslim Brotherhood leaders are quite open about their intentions with those like al-Kubaisi, who traveled to the Middle East and speaks fluent Arabic. “The Muslim Brotherhood’s dream is to form a total Islamic state.”
Al-Kubaisi saId Norway and the West have been duped by the Muslim Brotherhood. “The West and America both supported Islamists.
But one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s key spiritual leaders, Sheik Yusef al-Qaradawi, said on Arabic TV that “defeating Rome, Italy and Europe means that Islam will come back to Europe.” “I believe Islam will conquer Europe without using violence.”
Barack Hussein Obama is empowering both the decline of America and the rapid advance of radical Islam across the Arab world. Will the mainstream media even notice?
Posted: October 26, 2011
The Arab Spring has turned
into an Islamist winter. Contrary to the administration’s claims, the popular
uprisings have not led to a rebirth of freedom – the emergence of liberal
democracies. Rather, Muslim fundamentalists have used street protests against
corrupt, autocratic regimes as a Trojan horse to expand Islamic
Times In Tunisia, an Islamist party
with ideological ties to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is poised to win national
elections. Its goal is to repeal the nation’s secular traditions (inherited from
the French empire) and erect a Muslim theocracy. Its platform calls for
banning alcohol, forcing women to wear the veil and implementing Shariah law.
Non-Muslims and women are to be treated as second-class citizens.Next month, it will be Egypt’s turn to hold elections. The Muslim Brotherhood is expected to gain the largest number of parliamentary seats. Its aim is to restore the global caliphate and return Cairo to the rule of fundamentalist clerics. Its foreign policy is based upon hatred of Israel and America.
The Sinai already has become a sanctuary for terrorists and a staging ground for attacks on Israeli cities. Since the overthrow of strongman Hosni Mubarak, rampaging Muslim mobs have murdered numerous Coptic Egyptians and destroyed Christian churches. More than 100,000 Christian Copts have been expelled – an act of deliberate religious cleansing. About 8 million Copts are left in Egypt. The Brotherhood views them as a “threat” to the “Egyptian nation.” The country could be on the verge of religious and civil war, yet Mr. Obama is shamefully silent about the anti-Christian pogrom taking place.
In Libya, Mr. Obama supported the rebel movement. Col. Moammar Gadhafi lived by the gun; he died by the gun. Gadhafi was a brutal dictator whose bizarre regime turned Libya into a giant prison. No one should shed a tear for that butcher – especially considering his involvement in the 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which claimed the lives of 270 people, including many Americans.
The question, however, is what comes after Gadhafi? Because of Mr. Obama’s policies, NATO has armed, trained and financed the creation of an Islamist Libya. Jihadists fill the ranks of the rebels. Many of them were in Iraq and Afghanistan, killing and maiming U.S. soldiers. There are even al Qaeda members among them. Islamic fighters have raided Gadhafi’s military stockpiles and stolen more than 20,000 surface-to-air missiles. Some have found their way into the hands of Hamas; others may be used to shoot down American commercial airliners.
Tripoli’s interim government, the one the administration keeps telling us is “moderate” and “pro-democracy,” has just announced that Libya will be governed strictly by Shariah law. It has legalized Muslim polygamy. It has banned charging interest on loans, forcing banks to be Shariah-compliant. The rebels openly acknowledge that their ideological soul mates are members of the Muslim Brotherhood, not America’s Founding Fathers. Contrary to Mr. Obama’s spin, George Washington has not crossed the Mediterranean. Instead, the Prophet Muhammad has – paid for by U.S. taxpayers and backed by U.S. bombs. The Muslim crescent is on the march.
Top U.S. generals have warned that the rapid pullout will reverse all of the strategic gains of the 2007 troop surge. This is why they recommended that at least 10,000 troops remain be hind – to train and assist Iraqi national forces and to counter Iranian influence. The Obama administration argues that Baghdad refused to grant immunity to U.S. soldiers from Iraqi prosecution while serving there. Hence, Washington could never agree to such conditions. Yet, had the White House pushed harder and c
Instead, Iran’s mullahs have won. Once Tehran acquires the nuclear bomb, it will be able to blackmail its neighbors, dominate the region and impose a stranglehold over the world’s oil supply. The trend is clear: American power is in retreat. In its wake are the new invading barbarians.
Like emperors in the final days of Rome, our leaders can pretend that the barbarians pose no imminent threat. Everyone knows, however, that Mr. Obama is simply managing America’s decline. His warm embrace of the Arab Spring as a pro-democracy movement simply camouflages the sad reality of our time: The Islamists are rising, threatening freedom wherever they tread.
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