Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is Obama showing his Hand in Libya? Support of this campaign in Kenya by a US Senator is illegal

Is Obama showing his Hand in Libya?

Obama started personally meddling in African (Kenya) affairs to promote Islam, while he was still a senator, and supported the efforts of his cousin to become the Kenyan president. Is the real goal of the war in Libya to promote the Muslim Brotherhood in their goal of creating a Jihad state in Africa? Are our top politicians being handsomely bribed by Gulf oil producers to do their bidding? Some people will say that he showed his hand a long time ago, but this note just present a few facts and ideas that may help tie things together.
Historically, there are many flavors of Muslim Brotherhoods, that is mystical Secret Societies based on Sufism, an occult version of Islam. Our word for “hashish” and “assassin” comes from a Sufi sect that could probably be termed a Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood that most people refer to today is called the Ikwan, simply “brotherhood.” Saudi Arabia is ruled by such an organization, the Wahhabi, and is allied with the Muslim Brotherhood. The goal of these groups is to set up a greater Islamic theocracy, that is reinstate the Caliphate.
Obama’s Spiritual Guide, Jeremiah Wright, studied an older version of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Tijaniyya sect of Sufism, for six years at the Chicago School of Divinity and wrote a Master’s Theses about it. Black Liberation Theology is also an revolutionary Gnostic occult doctrine. You might call it a “jihadist” version of Christianity, or as some wags have called it “Chrislam.” Obama’s church in Chicago is a black nationalist sect and closely related in doctrine to the Nation of Islam.
The Tijani swept parts North Africa in the 1800′s and set up a Jihadist state called the Toucouleur_Empire in an attempt at creating a new Caliphate. Could this be the ultimate goal in Libya to hand the oil resources of Libya over to the Jihadis to finance more uprisings across Africa?
The Tijani Brotherhood is having a revival in North Africa and it is declared in this clip (at 1:50) that all of the international brotherhoods should join together to “do something good for Islam,” that is, presumably to revive the Caliphate, a universal Islamic Theocracy.

Obama started the war in Libya, he said, to protect innocent civilians, from massacres that had not yet occurred. Lately, he and Hillary Clinton have declared that the real mission now is that Gadhafi has to be removed from power. Others have been proposing a political agreement and a cease-fire. Why does Obama and Hillary Clinton need to continue the war and the slaughter, when the original stated goal was to prevent killing?? Maybe it is because they have had ulterior motives for this war from the beginning?
The Muslim Brotherhood has always declared its goal to be creation of a global Islamic theocracy. Lately, they have been saying they have a new objective of freedom and democracy, because this placates many westerners, who are eager to appease.

Obama reveals his submission
to the Saudi Dictator.
Saudi Arabia does not like Gadhafi, who is difficult to control and may be in the way of the greater Islamic jihad-state that is desired in North Africa. Especially, the great oil wealth of Libya would be of great use in funding the operations of the Muslim Brotherhoods in North Africa and in creating this new jihad-state.
We just signed a treaty with Libya a couple of years ago that normalized relations with Libya in exchange for their giving up their support of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Gadhafi is is a murderer, but that was settled by the treaty and payment of restitution to the victims. To attack them at the first chance, when they become weak and Lindsey Graham even proposed that we murder the leadership and decapitate their government, is truly like something the Nazis would have done in WWII. Adolf Hitler and von Ribbentrop must be smiling at the thought of us using such tactics.

Support of this campaign in Kenya by a US Senator is illegal. Obama has conspicuously not returned to visit to Kenya. This is probably due to a lot of people being angry with him. A bloody pogrom against Christians was incited after the election, in order to intimidate the Kenyan government enough that they would accept a power-sharing arrangement with Obama’s cousin, Raile Odinga, even though Odinga lost by a fairly wide margin

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