Monday, September 26, 2011

UPDATE-Sharia in the Public Schools in Ga

from atlas shrugs

UPDATE: Laura Armstrong, columnist for the Marietta (Georgia) Daily Journal, reminded me that Hal Medlin, the parent who exposed this outrage, is in Cobb County (north suburb of Atlanta), while the lesson plan (below) is on the Henry County website (south suburb of Atlanta). So the question of how widespread is this lesson is partially answered through our research. It's being used in at least two of the most populous suburban counties in Georgia.
Here's the link to the e-mail addresses for their board. Atlas readers, your job for today is to explain to the school board politely what is wrong with using this material.

The last line: "I feel very fortunate that we have the Sharia." (Georgia public school lesson)
Have a look at the Georgia lesson plan for children I reported on here, This document  is hosted on a public school district's official website.
(thanks to Kamala)

The actual school district web site is here:
I have taken screenshots of everything, because as soon as I expose this dawah, the school official quislings take them down. So they know that what they are promoting is wrong.
Ahlima's story in all its glory. Is it any wonder that parents protested?

This should be sent to Georgia senators Chambliss and Isakson, congressmen here, Governor Deal, etc. Atlas readers, it is up to you to root out this insidious subversion. You must shine the light on this inculcation and raise a ruckus. You are the freedom cop on the beat in your neighborhood. Where you see freedom threatened, fight back. I will help you.

I suggest polite notes be sent to the superintendent here. This is not education, this is proselytizing. It is time our children were taught about the 270 million victims of over a millennium of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements. And the systematic dehumanization of women, honor killings, clitorectomies .......
Bear in mind that these letters are fictitious. Propaganda created to softsell misogyny. Where is the caning? Where is the prohibition of women leaving the house without a male family member? Where is the prohibition of women driving?
Saudi Arabia has strict laws on male guardianship and sex segregation.  Male guardianship simply means that every female must have a male guardian who has authority over her on practically everything. In March this year, a court in Saudi Arabia sentenced a 75-year old widow from Syria now living in Saudi Arabia to 40 lashes of the cane, 4 months imprisonment, and deportation from Saudi Arabia for violating the sex segregation rule.


From my book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance:
Islamic supremacist groups have for quite some time consulted with public school textbook publishers and made sure that material presented on Islam was heavily slanted, even to the point of proselytizing. Combine that with the anti-Western multiculturalist bias of the publishers themselves, and the result is a large number of public school textbooks that denigrate Judeo-Christian Western civilization and portray Islam in a glowingly positive light.
The American Textbook Council, an independent national textbook monitoring organization, issued a report in 2008 that showed that many commonly used public school textbooks “present an incomplete and confected view of Islam that misrepresents its foundations and challenges to international security.” For example, the popular middle school text Across the Centuries defines jihad as a struggle “to do one’s best to resist temptation and overcome evil.”122 Another middle school text in common use, History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond, is just as distorted: “Muslims should fulfill jihad with the heart, tongue, and hand. Muslims use the heart in their struggle to resist evil. The tongue may convince others to take up worthy causes, such as funding medical research. Hands may perform good works and correct wrongs.” Not a word about war, conquest, or subjugation.[....]
In May 2010, the Islamic Web site Sound Vision published a six- step plan by the founding director of the Council on Islamic Education, Shabbir Mansuri, on how to pressure public school authorities into allowing special accommodation for Muslims. These included “knowing what laws and regulations govern the issue of religious accommoda- tion”—Islamic groups make skillful use of government directives requiring reasonable accommodation of religious practices. Mansuri also directed Muslims to make friends with a teacher and enlist him or her as an ally, even inviting the teacher over for dinner; to “leave a paper trail, but first, be really nice” (at first!); and to repeat these steps as necessary with the school principal and even the district superintendent. The Muslim complainant is never to give up until the concessions are granted.
If this guide shows us anything, it’s what idiots they take us for. This is, of course, an outrage. None of this should be introduced into the public school. If this is what Muslim parents want, they should send their children to madrassah.
This Islamic supremacist was directing Muslims to make friends with teachers and education officials in order to use them, and to take advantage of procedures and practices instituted by short-sighted American multiculturalists to gain yet another advantage for Islam.
The freedom fighter need not and should not resort to such subter- fuges. But you can and should learn from the opposition. You should be no less informed, determined, and persistent.

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