More media lies and obfuscation. Just because the media doesn't cover these news stories doesn't mean they haven't happened. You can ignore jihad, but you cannot avoid the consquences of ignoring jihad.
January 2009: NORWAY: Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors -
NORWAY: Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors
Much thanks to TC, who claims that his "Norwegian is a bit rusty, but I’m sure you get the idea. This going on in a country where children regularly play alone outdoors without any supervision."
Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors

(Photo caption: Then foreign minister Kjell Magne Bondevik visiting the Jewish synagogue and kindergarten in 2002.)
Norway's pro-Israel opposition leader under 24-hour guard
April 2011: Norway: Muslim Taxidrivers Refuse to Drive Jews to Synagogue
Islamic Jew-hatred transcends borders, nationalities and continents. It's in the quran. Obama say, "Respect it!."
Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors
(Photo caption: Then foreign minister Kjell Magne Bondevik visiting the Jewish synagogue and kindergarten in 2002.)
Children of a Jewish kindergarten in Oslo are not allowed to play outdoors
because adults fear terrorism.
For four weeks the 28 children have had to stay indoors in the kindergarten
that is adjacent to a synagogue in Oslo. The decision was made in meeting
between the security personnel of the synagogue, Police Security Service
(PST) and parents.
Kindergarten manager, Anne Stine Mazrachi, is afraid that something
unpleasant may happen. During the war in Gaza, Hamas announced that Jewish
institutions and Jews all over the world are targets of their revenge. The
kindergarten is part of the congregation and synagogue. We have drawn the
conclusion that it is not safe to let the kids out, said Mazrachi to Dagen
Bullet Proof Windows
because adults fear terrorism.
For four weeks the 28 children have had to stay indoors in the kindergarten
that is adjacent to a synagogue in Oslo. The decision was made in meeting
between the security personnel of the synagogue, Police Security Service
(PST) and parents.
Kindergarten manager, Anne Stine Mazrachi, is afraid that something
unpleasant may happen. During the war in Gaza, Hamas announced that Jewish
institutions and Jews all over the world are targets of their revenge. The
kindergarten is part of the congregation and synagogue. We have drawn the
conclusion that it is not safe to let the kids out, said Mazrachi to Dagen
Bullet Proof Windows
Other security measures are put into practice. The parents leave and pick up children at different times, and no one is left at home. All windows are bulletproof and close circuit TV shields access. In addition to kindergarten ’s own security, the police make regular rounds outside
Anne Stine Mizrachi thinks it is sad that people are not able to differentiate between being a Jew and Israel’s policy at any time. She is also concerned about the children.
We wonder what this does to children’s identity- that they are not permitted to go out and you must keep them hidden in a free country like Norway. During trips we cannot wear clothes that say “The Jewish Kindergarten,” she says.
UPDATE: Urban Infidel just sent this to me:Norway's pro-Israel opposition leader under 24-hour guard
"Norway, a country that used to be very pro-Israel, has turned into one of the most anti-Israel countries in Europe today," within both government and public opinion.
That's according to Dr. Asle Toje, a researcher at the BI Norwegian School of Management and foreign policy adviser to the Progress Party of Norway (Fremskrittspartiet).
Toje is a staunch advocate of Siv Jensen, chairwoman of the main opposition Progress Party, who has recently come under fire for her pro-Israel stance. Following her appearance at a pro-Israel rally in Oslo on January 8, Jensen began receiving death threats, and is now under 24-hour security supervision.
"I have never experienced this kind of hatred in Norway," said Toje, who was present at the demonstration. "There were people throwing stones at and spitting on rally-goers. Afterward, people carrying Israeli flags were randomly attacked in the streets."
Along with expressions of support for Israel, speakers at the rally, including Jensen, called for aid to be distributed in Gaza and for a cease-fire agreement to be signed. "It was a peaceful rally," said Toje. "Jensen was calling for the same things as Barack Obama. The difference is that she was doing it in Norway. The environment here is different."
The Socialist Left Party (Sosialistisk Venstreparti), which is part of the current coalition, has proposed a number of boycotts against Israel since the government was formed in 2005.
Israeli/Nazi comparisons and anti-Semitic incidents are now commonplace, Toje said.
On January 21, Etgar Lefkovits reported in The Jerusalem Post on an e-mail sent out by Trine Lilleng, a senior Norwegian diplomat based in Saudi Arabia. "The grandchildren of Holocaust survivors from World War II are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them by Nazi Germany," Lilleng wrote.
Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor), in his recent memoir, To Make a Difference, makes an implicit comparison, noting, when writing of Hebron: "Most of the shops have been shut down. The shudders have been bolted and are marked by signs from the Israeli police. They are marked, as other shops have been marked at other places and at other times."
In August 2006, Jostein Gaardner, an esteemed Norwegian author and a friend of Støre's, published an op-ed in the Aftenposten daily under the headline, "God's chosen people."
Gardner wrote, in reaction to the Second Lebanon War, "We don't believe in the notion of God's chosen people. We laugh at this people's capriciousness and weep at its misdeeds. To act as God's chosen people is not only stupid and arrogant, but a crime against humanity. We call it racism."
A week later, Gaarder penned another op-ed, expressing his "regret if I have hurt anyone - though I intended and still intend to be harsh in my critique of the State of Israel."
In September 2006, 10 shots were fired at an Oslo synagogue, but no one was hurt. The shooter, Arfan Bhatti, "wished to kill women and children coming out of the synagogue,"Aftenposten reported.
On June 2, 2008, Bhatti was acquitted of terrorism charges and convicted of "aggravated vandalism." He is now serving an eight-year prison sentence.
Norway's approximately 1,500 Jews, who live mainly in Oslo and Trondheim, have experienced a fair amount of anti-Semitism, Toje said.
Airlift them to Israel. Norway does not deserve any Jews.He posited that this was connected with the mass immigration from Muslim countries that began in the 1970s.
Vile - all of it. Read it all.April 2011: Norway: Muslim Taxidrivers Refuse to Drive Jews to Synagogue
Islamic Jew-hatred transcends borders, nationalities and continents. It's in the quran. Obama say, "Respect it!."
Oslo taxis refuse to drive to the Synagogue (Norway, Israel and the Jews) April 10, 2011 (hat tip John S)
NTNU academic Trond Andresen believes the talk of anti-Semitism is a derailment tactic. Meanwhile in Oslo, taxis refuse to take Jews to the Synagogue.A young girl writes to Aftenposten, asking when anti-Semitism will end. One thing is for certain, it won’t end unless we take it seriously.The letter is published in Aftenposten under the title “Jew – a swear word“. Summary: A teenager tells of how the word “Jew” is used as a swear word, even by her friends. She also tells of how visiting relatives were turned down – twice – when trying to take a taxi to the Synagogue, where they were going to attend a Bar Mitzva.Reports like this have been coming in for a long time.It does not help when people like Trond Andresen, an academic at prestigious NTNU university, marches in the streets carrying placards saying that all this talk of anti-Semitism in a derailment tactic. The only people being derailed are elderly Jews trying to go to a Bar Mitzva, for God’s sake.ETT sent more terrible news from Norway. Europe got away with exterminating six millions Jews. They got away with it. That was a mistake.
"Den jødiske gravlunden på Sofienberg i Oslo er blitt utsatt for hærverk. Flere graver er tilgriset med nazisymboler. " "Hærverket ble oppdaget i torsdag, og Det Mosaiske Trossamfund i Oslo vil anmelde saken til politiet, melder NRK. På en av gravstenene er det skrevet «krigen er ikke over»." **"The Jewish graveyard in Sofienberg Oslo has been vandalised. Many graves have had Nazi symbols painted on them. The vandalisme took place on Thursday. The case has been reported to the police. On one of the gravestones "The war continues" was written.This is a Swedish blogger posting about an incident in Norway. The blogger comments that the cemetery is in a Muslim area. The blogger suspects Muslims and comments that the Norwegian press and police suspect Neo-Nazis.
Either way, it's the same thing. -- it's despicable. And the world permits it. The police prefer 'neo-nazis'; they will never say it is Islamic anti-semitism.
UPDATE: My hat's off to the I Mitt Sverige, the blogger who initially broke the story. Keep us posted on what's happening.
Israel support demonstration / counter-demonstration in Oslo, Norway, 2009-01-08
I just attended a pro-Israel rally in downtown Oslo (the capital of Norway). The terrorists and radical socialists were surrounding the fenced-in area where the peaceful assembly took place, chanting their vicious slogans and throwing eggs. The situation escalated as they began throwing bottles and rocks, then ultimately firebombs, injuring numerous senior citizens. They're still creating havoc in downtown Oslo, which is practically blanketed in teargas. They're all marching on the Israeli embassy now. You can watch some of it unfold here:
Despite the horribly biased media, which tends to favor Hamas in the name of so-called "solidarity", I trust more Norwegians will start to realize which side represents civilization and life, and which side represents barbarism and death, in this conflict.
Police officers with a protester during an anti-Israel demonstration in downtown Oslo.
2011: Norway: ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims
My G-d, they have given over their wives and daughters so as ..... not to offend Muslims. Counter jihad bloggers have been blogging for years on the rape epidemic by Muslims in Europe. and still, it gets worse.
Add "non-Western" to the long list of codewords like "youths".... "asians"...."immigrants" for Muslims. For the PC Dhmmi media and elites to taint all immigrants with this is outright xenophobic. We can't say "Muslim terrorist," but "rapist immigrant" is OK.
One 12-year-old rape victim was told by her Muslim rapist, "He said he had the right to do exactly as he wanted to a woman." Mind you, he is saying this to a 12-year-old. "Why?" "Because that is how it was in his religion. Women did not have rights or opinions, he was in charge."
This is madness. Consider that Lars Hedegaard was on trial for "racism" for speaking of the sexual violence against Muslim females in a private conversation. And the priest Jesper Langballe was last year fined 5000 dollars for publicly backing up Hedegaard's opinions.
Thanks to Armaros for the video.
UPDATE: Madelina in comments:
I am a young Norwegian woman, living in Oslo, and this is how everyday life is for the female indigenous population:
I walk down the street every morning to the metro station, and in the morning rush I always get sly glances, "kissing notions" and sleasy comments thrown my way, and they come from - without any exception - from our "cultural enrichers". Sexual harassment has become a part of everyday life here in Oslo, and I would never dream of going home alone after dark in this city. That is an invitation for rape.
Once upon a time a woman could walk home at any time of the day or night, and she would be completely safe. But that is a long, long time ago. Now we have gang fights, cars set on fire, threats against Jews and rape. G-d, I pray that our politicians and "elites" meets the same end as Vidkun Quisling did.
It was not “the active and passive backing of the persecution of the Jews which was a precondition for the hard-core anti-Semites to convince large sections of German society to collaborate in a criminal policy and practice, but a broad portion of the population was characterized by lack of concern, not caring, moral numbness’ and denial. There were no counterforces.”Late last week I ran a disturbing post on the virulent anti-semitism in Norway: Jew Hatred in Norway. The leftists bow to their Islamic paymasters. It seems all you gotta do is show them the money and they throw the Jews down well. Scum.
And here I thought the North Pole was immune .... next stop Mars.
$2.78 million donated for Norway's Arctic mosqueRolf has translated 3 additional articles about anti-Semitism in Norway.
Saudi funds first mosque in Norway's North Pole
Jew Hatred in Norway: Part II
Both in Oslo and Bergen there are demands for full academic and cultural boycotts of everything connected with Israel. The boycott is supposed to be far reaching. Yesterday the prestigious Holberg prize was awarded to Frederic Jameson. Exactly two years ago it went to Shmuel N. Eisenstadt of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. That enraged the author of this autumn’s new boycott booklet, Ebba Wergland, prompting her to write an article in the academic paper Replikk. She wrote that he should never have received the prize, since he was an academic representative of the Israeli “apartheid state”.
The thought is horrible: An independent awarding of prizes based on academic merit should be subjected to political considerations thereby isolating independent researchers.It's not a "political consideration", it is deep hatred and jealousy of the Jews. "Israel" the Jew haters argument to an age old hate. "Political" is the cloak of their deception.
This would mean the triumph of irrationality over reason. It would also mean the end of debate, and that the beginning of black and white thinking has taken over in which the perpetrator and the victim have been defined once and for all. Those who boycott thus act as absolute judges.Rolf has been doing yeoman's work translating the vile truth for us. Fjordman found another disgusting piece by a Norwegian "journalist", and Rolf says he'll translate that one, too.
The shots against the Synagogue in Oslo, the attacks on the Jewish cantor on Karl Johan [central shopping street in Oslo], Jostein Gaarder’s column, Raymond Johansen’s talks with Hamas and Kristin Halvorsen’s call for a boycott were mentioned as examples of why Norway’s tiny Jewish minority considers it wise to keep a low profile.
The Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish embassies in Israel apparently declined to comment on the theme of the seminar, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
“I will also use the occasion to commemorate all the billions of lice and louse who lost their lives in the German gas chambers, without having done anything wrong other than choosing people of Jewish origin,” said Jespersen to the Norwegian TV viewers.
“The comments from Jespersen are disrespectful and offensive,” says Valner to Dagsavisen.
Increasing acceptance
Valner explains that he lived through anti-Semitism before the Second World War, and he felt the consequences when large parts of his family was sent to Auschwitz.
He is starting to see signs that anti-Semitism is spreading in Norwegian society.
“You can say more on television than before, and the newspapers are full of unbalanced Israel criticism which we are not allowed to answer. There are still more coming, step by step,” he says.
The financial crisis makes him more worried.
“History tells us that Jew-hatred flourishes in bad times. That is why I charge TV2 and Otto Jespersen now, to get some focus on this,” says Kurt Valner.
Thank you Rolf. As soon as the Baron has it, I'll post it. Rage, my friends, rage against the machine. They will be coming after you next.
2009: JIHAD ON THE JEWS: Something rotten in the state of Norway
This cartoon appeared on Thursday January 8th, on the very same day that the mob shouted "Kill the Jews". 
Translation: Interview in the daily Dagsavisen Monday 12th of January 2009. (hat tip Fjordman)
On Saturday there was another demonstration in front of the Parliament building, this time with children in "bloodsoaked" clothes at the front of the march. In spite of several brutal confrontations outside the Israeli embassy Basim Ghozlan, leader of the Islamic Union, urgfed the demonstrators to proceed to the embassy where police were waiting. The children suddenly found themselves sandwiched between police barriers and the surging violent demonstrators pushing from behind. Panic ensued.
Police detained 160 people, most of them young people of Middle Eastern/North African origin. Three kids - 12 to 13 year olds - told how they had been led by a hard core to smash seven MacDonald's restaurants. Then the cry rang out: "To the university to chase Jews."
One should think that the papers woud be full of denunciations and shock that Jews are once again fair game in the streets of Oslo. The last time was under the German occupation during World War II. But there is a strange silence. A few innuendos: "We deplore expressions of racism" etc. But no real shakeup. Why not?
One answer: There is no firewall between criticism of Israel and antisemitism and one is afraid of criticizing the Muslims. An inverse situation: unchecked criticism of Israel, and very timid critcism of Muslims. The situation is not unique in Europe, but seems to deteriorate quickly. A caricature in Norway's largest daily, VG, gives an indication.
Translation: Interview in the daily Dagsavisen Monday 12th of January 2009. (hat tip Fjordman)
On Saturday there was another demonstration in front of the Parliament building, this time with children in "bloodsoaked" clothes at the front of the march. In spite of several brutal confrontations outside the Israeli embassy Basim Ghozlan, leader of the Islamic Union, urgfed the demonstrators to proceed to the embassy where police were waiting. The children suddenly found themselves sandwiched between police barriers and the surging violent demonstrators pushing from behind. Panic ensued.
Police detained 160 people, most of them young people of Middle Eastern/North African origin. Three kids - 12 to 13 year olds - told how they had been led by a hard core to smash seven MacDonald's restaurants. Then the cry rang out: "To the university to chase Jews."
One should think that the papers woud be full of denunciations and shock that Jews are once again fair game in the streets of Oslo. The last time was under the German occupation during World War II. But there is a strange silence. A few innuendos: "We deplore expressions of racism" etc. But no real shakeup. Why not?
One answer: There is no firewall between criticism of Israel and antisemitism and one is afraid of criticizing the Muslims. An inverse situation: unchecked criticism of Israel, and very timid critcism of Muslims. The situation is not unique in Europe, but seems to deteriorate quickly. A caricature in Norway's largest daily, VG, gives an indication.
2008 ISLAM ATTACKS! Death for Writer! Norway Hides
In true Islamic tradition;
2007: Massive Islamic Terror Plots: Germany, Norway, Denmark
Islamic jihad. It wasn't just Germany. The global jihad continues apace and we're building Muslim footbaths. The dhimmicrats, the Hedda Nussbaum party.
Norway resident convicted of blasphemyAnd invariably in the frightened Eurabian fashion, they run like little girls
A Kurdish author with asylum in Norway was sentenced in absentia in Iraq last month to six months imprisonment for blasphemy.
Two years ago author Mariwan Halabjaee wrote "Sex, sharia and women in the history of Islam". Here he wrote that the prophet Mohammed had 19 wives, married a nine-year-old when he was aged 54 and that he took part in murder and rape. Last month a court in Halabja convicted him of blasphemy in absentia.
Halabjaee has lived in hiding in Norway for one and a half years. The sentence states that he should be arrested upon his return to north Iraq but he has now been granted asylum in Norway, newspaper Bergens Tidende reports on its web site.
The writer has had 14 books published. Halabjaee says that he has received a series of death threats and that there is a fatwa saying he should be punished by death unless he asks forgiveness.
Halabjaee also believes Norway is naive about radical Islamist groups that he says authorities allow to develop without control on Norwegian soil.
"Norway has protected me against the terrorists and I hope to be able to play a role in this democratic system. But I am alone and feel imprisoned. I have little contact with people and have to move carefully. Even if I have lived here a year and a half no cultural or other organizations have contacted me," Halabjaee says.
2007: Massive Islamic Terror Plots: Germany, Norway, Denmark
Islamic jihad. It wasn't just Germany. The global jihad continues apace and we're building Muslim footbaths. The dhimmicrats, the Hedda Nussbaum party.
Muslim Terror Plots Foiled in Germany, Norway and Denmark
It is unpleasant to acknowledge, but Muslim terror plots are always underway wherever there are sizable Muslim populations. Of course not all share the majority Islamic goal of world conquest under Sharia Law and not everyone acts on their beliefs.UPDATE:
One of the cells attacked synagogues. Violent anti-Semitism is a rarely-reported common denominator of Islamism.
We have been lucky in the past couple of days: major attacks were foiled throughout Europe, although an attack in Pakistan was successful.
Germany: Three suspected jihadists arrested -- "plotting 'imminent' and 'massive' attacks" on Air Base and commercial airport
Norway: Three Muslims indicted in connection with attacks on a synagogue and a plot to attack the US and Israeli embassies
Denmark: Eight Al Qaeda-connected Muslims planned a bomb attack
Pakistan: Suicide bombers kill 25, wound 70, in Pakistan
More Deadly than London or Madrid: Islamist Terrorists Planned Massive Attacks in Germany
The three suspected terrorists seized Tuesday were planning huge bomb attacks on targets in Germany. The bombs they were planning to make would have had more explosive power than those used in the Madrid and London terror attacks. more...
2007: Email from Norway
The three suspected terrorists seized Tuesday were planning huge bomb attacks on targets in Germany. The bombs they were planning to make would have had more explosive power than those used in the Madrid and London terror attacks. more...
2007: Email from Norway
I am running an email I received from an Atlas reader in Norway. It is devastating in its
Well, yes, the situation is worsening. Stepping up from 29 000 immigrants every year, in 2007 we will be getting a total of 35 000 immigrants from somalia, iran, iraq and afghanistan. The nations capital is already 50% muslim, and they ALL go there after entering Norway. Adding the 1.2 births per woman per year from muslim women, there will be 300 000+ muslims out of the then 480 000 inhabitants of that city.
Orders from Libya and Iran say that Oslo will be known as Medina at the latest in 2010, although I consider this a PR-stunt nevertheless it is their plan.
From Israel the hordes clawing at the walls of Jerusalem proclaim cheerfully that next year there will be no more Israel, and I know Israel shrugs this off as do I, and will mount a strike during the summer against all of its enemies in the middle east. This will make the muslims worldwide go into a frenzy, attacking everyone around them.
We are stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment. This is going to happen fast.
Before, I thought about emigrating to Britain, Israel, USA, South Africa, etc. for taxes and politics, but instead (although I believe we are the very last generation on earth before the return of God) I will stay and fight for the right to this country and indeed the entire peninsula, for the God-fearing people, just in case this isn't the end of the world after all. Doesn't hurt to have a backup plan.
It's far from impossible to achieve, after all my people has done it every time before, in feats that match the ancient greek, hebrew and british "legends".
Oslo and the southeast may fall easily, but there are other lines than "state"-borders drawn across this country since long before there was even a single muslim in the world, and we have held them this long, against everyone else too. We are entering a new golden age for my people, and those of a handful other countrys, but only through struggle.
Never fear, Pamela. God is with you too in this coming time.
Norway's finance minister calling for a boycott of Israel today.The link is in Norwegian but Sir Humphrey has a partial translation here of her comments at. Go over to Humphrey's site and read Chefen's most excellent post.
The minister is the leader of the Socialist Left and seems to be in love with all things anti-semitic.
Watch thhe global chessboard aligns itself, with the Bush Doctrine or the The Ahmadinejad Doctrine.
The evil that men do. World scholars back Iran's denial of Holocaust
UPDATE: Norwegian Province Approves Israel Boycott
A majority of the regional parliament of Sor-Trondelag, Norway voted to approve a resolution to boycott the purchase or sale of all Israeli products. More>>
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