BULGARIA: Muslims try to take over the streets and get the c--p kicked out of them
Posted: July 31, 2011 | Author: barenakedislamRight Wing Ataka Party of Bulgarian patriots will not allow muslims to destroy their cities as they are doing in other parts of Europe. And if they can’t rely on the police to protect them, they will do it themselves.
Eastern Europeans have a much better way of dealing with the muslim problem in their countries than the rest of the world. They got rid of the communists and they will get rid of the islamists too.BULGARIANS continue their courageous fight against the Islamization of their country
Posted: June 15, 2011 | Author: barenakedislamDaily use of eardrum shattering mosque loudspeakers and Muslim asslifters prostrating themselves in the streets, have resulted in Sofia’s Muslim community coming under attack when masked individuals stormed the Banya Bashi mosque and viciously assaulted the guard, leaving him in a pool of blood.
This was the latest in a series of protests which started some years ago against the loudspeakers, but Ataka has revived its campaign in the run-up to Bulgaria’s autumn 2011 municipal and presidential elections, in which Ataka leader Volen Siderov has said he will stand as a presidential candidate. Scuffles broke out after one of the Ataka protesters tried to steer a column towards Muslims taking part in Friday prayers.
To prevent future incidents, the Sofia mosque was ordered to get new loudspeakers that will reduce noise levels on Friday prayers, chief mufti Hussein Hafuzov said, quoted by Bulgarian National Radio on June 6 2011.
Despite the gigantic size of this Sophia mosque, Muslim asslifters like to pray in the streets, blocking pedestrian traffic, and angering non-Muslims
BULGARIA: Hey Muslims, two can play the same game!
Posted: May 24, 2011 | Author: barenakedislamLast Friday afternoon, as Muslim asslifters were outside praying in the streets, Ataka, the new Bulgarian anti-Islam political movement, started blasting Orthodox (Christian) religious chants at eardrum shattering levels. PRICELESS!
BULGARIA: Another country having to fight the Islamic invaders from within
Posted: May 21, 2011 | Author: barenakedislamPoliticians gain popular support by publicly attacking Muslim asslifters who pray in the streets and riot when they don’t get their way.
Wherever Muslims converge, the native populations suffer. But some are fighting back.BULGARIA: Another target of Islamic Infestation in the Balkans
Posted: October 7, 2010 | Author: barenakedislam | Filed under: Islamization of the West | 8 Comments »Bulgarian authorities have rejected allegations that the October 6 2010 special operation against a Muslim group was anti-Islamic as raids on Muslim groups found material advocating religious hatred and overthrow of the constitutional order, as well as evidence of breaches of financial and tax laws.
NOVINITEBulgarian investigators are raiding Wednesday several houses in the Velingrad municipality in the search for extremist Islam propaganda materials, the Prosecutor’s Office in the southern city of Pazardzhik informs.The raids are part of a large-scale police operation launched in Bulgaria aiming at halting the activities of the illegal branch of the radical Muslim Foundation Al Waqf al Islami. The operation is taking place in southern Bulgaria, in the regions of Pazardzhik,Blagoevgrad and Smolyan.
The spokesperson of the Pazardzhik Prosecutor’s Office told Darik radio they have started a pre-trial procedure against an alleged leader of a group in 2008-2009, which was plotting a coup in Bulgaria and forceful constitutional changes.
Al Waqf al Islami has at least 8 addresses in Bulgaria’s second largest city of Plovdiv, the Chair of the local Mosque Board of Trustees, Ashim Assan says, adding branches of the Foundation abound in southern Bulgaria. According to Assan, Al Waqf al Islami is affiliated with Al Queda and operates in Bulgaria since 1997.
“At the time, thanks to then Prime Minister, Ivan Kostov, and his wife’s Foundation “Future for Bulgaria,” radical Islam was able to settle in the country. Later, the Three-Way Coalition cabinet provided political cover-up, because Al Waqf al Islami sponsored one of their members – the ethnic Turkish Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS),” Assan stated.
The head of the right-wing Democrats for Strong Bulgaria (DSB) in Plovdiv, Spas Garnevski, dismissed the above declarations as non-sense, saying Assan must seek psychiatric treatment.
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